Terry Kroeger: We're in this together, thick and thin. We invite you to #JoinOurStory


This column by Publisher and CEO Terry Kroeger was published May 5 in the Omaha World-Herald

Dear Readers,

I want to tell you a story. Don't worry. I'll keep it short.

This story is about you and us and how we're in it together, thick and thin. It's the story about our local newspaper and our community. We have been here for you in some form since 1865 – even before Nebraska was a state.

It's a story that at its most basic level is one of freedom. The stories we tell keep us all free by holding leaders accountable, by informing our community about what matters, and recording Omaha's history. Our stories also entertain, enlighten and inspire, forming the fabric of our community.

We can tell this story best because our storytellers – our employees – are part of the community, too. We are your friends and neighbors.

You have a role in this story when you click on Omaha.com or spread the pages of the Omaha World-Herald on your kitchen table. By subscribing, you become a more engaged member of the community. You recognize your stake in the larger story.

So join us. Subscribe. And you can be a storyteller, too. Tell everyone why The World-Herald matters – use the hashtag #JoinOurStory.

Together, we will keep telling our shared story.

credibility, marketing, Omaha, Kroeger
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