Motivating and communicating

Set a good example


To inspire employees and command respect, always speak and act in the organization's best interests.  Use these tips to help you lead by example:

  • Treat eveyone with respect and graciousness. Everyone you work with – from your biggest customer to the maintenance crew – contributes to your organization's success. Keep that in mind when greeting them in the hall, answering a question or talking with them at organization functions.
  • Put your clients on a pedestal. Begin staff meetings by talking about how the organization solved a problem for a client or customer. Constantly remind staffers that their job is to serve customers, no matter what their job titles are.
  • Refer to the mission statement frequently. Employees look to managers to give their day-to-day work purpose and meaning. One of the best ways to do that is to take every opportunity to remind people of the organization's mission. When announcing a business decision, for example, use the mission to explain your decision.
  • Tie everything to goals. Even when delivering criticism, tie your comments back to the organization's goals. Saying "You need to redo the illustrations on the brochure to reflect our commitment to diversity" improves employees' understanding of your organization's priorities.
  • Don't complain about the organization to employees or clients. It sets a bad example, and destroys your credibility.

Jules Ciotta is president of Motivation Communications Associates. He can be reached at (770) 457-4100 or

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