Research Alert: Final analysis on 2016 political advertising
CEO Gordon Borrell says: "Political advertising has gone from an every-other-year bonanza to a never-ending stream of media buying. Understanding what's changed and where it's headed would seem important to anyone involved in advertising."
MORECan local media find a new home in real estate?
Tired of losing real estate advertising dollars year after year? So are we at Morris Publishing Group.
So a couple of us attended the recent National Association of Realtors convention to see what's hot, and how we might be able to create a new niche for ourselves in the business.
We saw plenty to make us think we can do this.
MOREWhat's the big deal with native advertising?
Here are five things every media publisher, from newspapers to TV stations, needs to know about native advertising.
MORENEWSCYCLE Solutions increases SalesLink CRM capabilities
NEWSCYCLE’s SalesLink CRM 2016-3 includes a Shared Activity module, new dashboards and a comprehensive calendar for sales teams.
MOREResearch Alert: Real estate advertisers trimming digital
Shrinking at a rate of 6.3 percent this year, real estate advertisers are "adjusting the dials" for a more appropriate mix of media. And for the second year in a row, the amount that agents, brokers and developers are spending on digital media is declining. Download a free executive summary of this new report from Borrell Associates.
MORELocal advertisers are agitated (and doing something about it)
Borrell Associates has been busy this summer vastly expanding its annual survey of local advertisers. That research is now complete, and the analysis is available for download.
MOREMcClatchy's new digital agency drives success for advertisers
The McClatchy Company has announced the launch of excelerate, a full-service digital agency designed to offer local and regional advertising clients marketing solutions that drive results.
MORELead generation: Reframing the future of advertising
Steve Gray writes: "What reframed my understanding of our current challenges in advertising and marketing was taking a deeper dive into lead generation. That's one of the buzz terms on the list above, but I now realize it's the 'unified field theory' that puts all those other buzz terms in their right places.
"At Morris Publishing Group, what prompted us to look harder at lead generation was the struggle our own sales staffs were having."
MORENEWSCYCLE Solutions releases SalesLink CRM tool
NEWSCYCLE's new advertising sales management software provides mobile CRM capabilities and customizable reporting features, with backward compatibility for NEWSCYCLE Advertising customers.
MOREThink Pink!
Content That Works will introduce a new surviving breast cancer content and micro-site July 20.
Borrell Associates launches bimonthy podcast
Borrell Associates has launched a bimonthly podcast discussing the latest trends in local marketing. Joining Gordon Borrell for these lively 20-minute shows is Corey Elliott, executive vice president of Local Market Intelligence. Borrell says they make a good team "because we don't always agree."
MoreEngineering sales
A new advertising support position at the Northwest Florida Daily News is paying off, according to Ethan Aden, digital sales manager for the paper based in Fort Walton Beach.
The job title is sales engineer, and the goal is to put together multimedia proposals for the sales reps to present to clients – complete proposals backed by research into markets, demographics and other factors.
MoreStratica software meets changing conditions
The first two pieces of Brainworks Software's new Stratica platform drew a lot of attention during the trade show at the Key Executives Mega-Conference in Las Vegas.
"We were constantly busy," said Rick Sanders, president and CEO of Brainworks. "It was terrific."
Brainworks rolled out its new Stratica Advertising and CRM products at the conference and offered demonstrations. Stratica is web- and browser-based and combines print and digital transactions. It will improve a media company's ability to make revenue forecasts and track whether projections are being met, among many other functions.