Classifieds done right
In an effort to help publishers generate more profit from classified ads, The Newspaper Manager, a leading publishing CRM developed by Mirabel Technologies, and Creative Circle Media Solutions, one of the newspaper industry's top web development firms, teamed up to create an efficient new solution for classified ad management.
Building upon the Newspaper Manager's publishing CRM, which is utilized by thousands of media properties, this new integration creates a unified and simplified print and web workflow by adding Creative Circle's award-winning QuickAds web advertising system.
Web order entry capabilities are provided by QuickAds with its user-friendly user interface. QuickAds also provides online classified display with a range of innovative, value-added displays, featuring maps, featured ads, PDFs, photo galleries, video and more.
"This pairing creates a proven and affordable option for any publication hoping to grow their classified business in 2018," said Bill Ostendorf, president and founder of Creative Circle.
"By simplifying what used to be a tedious sales, production and billing workflow, classified ads can now become a more profitable revenue stream for publishers," said Greg Booras, national sales manager for The Newspaper Manager at Mirabel Technologies.
While publishers have always had the ability to book, invoice, and even reconcile payments within The Newspaper Manager CRM, the newly enhanced classified ad management features stemming from the QuickAds integration will help publishers accomplish even more. Now using the same application, publishers will have the flexibility to easily modify the display of their online classifieds. Plus, with the Newspaper Manager, ads can be organized in classification templates and then exported as .xml files directly into Adobe InDesign.
"No publisher should have to settle for an inadequate web portal or tedious production workflow," said Ostendorf. "If you don't have a classified system now, this solution can provide an affordable option. And if you have an existing legacy platform, the Mirabel-Creative Circle solution should be able to reduce your costs and grow your revenue."
Creative Circle also offers classified consulting and print classified redesign services. "We believe classified advertising can be the next big thing for publishers," says Ostendorf. "If you are willing to take a fresh look at classifieds as the amazing ad type it can be, there are lots of opportunities to enter new categories and grow revenue."
"We're excited to help publishers succeed with tools that are both powerful and affordable. We've worked hard to fluidly integrate both systems into one powerful package," said Booras.
Both the Newspaper Manager and Creative Circle will be exhibiting at the upcoming Key Executives Mega-Conference. Publishers and ad directors can contact either company to schedule a demo.
To schedule a demo, contact:
- Greg Booras at, (706) 750-0016
- Bill Ostendorf,, 401-455-1555, or Sean Finch, VP/sales,, 309-269-7834.