Community news is key driver for attracting Millennials


According to a national survey of more than 2,800 Millennials 25-34 years of age, Millennials frequently mentioned specific traits and characteristics unique to their market for reasons they like and live in their city or community.

The 2016 national online survey of Millennials was conducted by Research Director On Demand, specializing in media and market research. The survey looked at the nation overall as well as focused on select metropolitan markets.

Below are some of the key findings of the survey.

Millennials 25-34 years of age were first asked in this survey to describe, in their own words, what they love as well as what they dislike about their city/community.

Most Millennials provided very positive reasons for why they like their city/community. Most frequent responses mentioned include:

They love their community because of all the activities and events, weather, parks, night life, nice town, the culture and family.

In analyzing the survey results, Research Director On Demand found that Millennials 25-34 years of age have a high interest in community/local news and events.

More than half (51 percent) refer to both digital and print sources monthly for their community news.

Some of the types of community news and information rated important to Millennials include news about:

  • Career opportunities
  • Affordability of housing
  • Work/life balance
  • Cost of living
  • Lifestyle
  • Things to do/local events

For more information about this study, contact Ted Stasney, senior consultant, Research Director On Demand: or (727) 244-2971.

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