New Ways to Read Old News

Exploring the Southern past through Southern papers


During the Tuesday afternoon session at SNPA's News Industry Summit, Dr. Edward Ayers, president of the University of Richmond, will take SNPA members on a road trip through Southern history, with lessons that every executive who lives or operates in the South should understand.  This masterful storyteller and historian will show how newspapers connect the past, present and future of the South.

"As a historian of the American South, I've found the newspapers of the region my best guide to what people were thinking, saying and doing through the South's tumultuous history," Ayers said. "The work of historians, like the work of newspapers today, is being transformed by the digital revolution, unlocking the millions of words about the past that have been filed away on microfilm.  New ways of finding broad patterns and telling details in the papers of the past offer exciting opportunities for historians and for newspapers that want to deepen their connection to their communities today."

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SNPA, News Industry Summit, Ayers
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