Reader's Corner

Get ready for mobile payments


Although wide-screen iPhones and curvy iWatches have gained the most attention as the buzz builds around Apple's product announcement, the biggest game changer of all may be the company's effort to launch a mobile payments system. 

Assuming the chatter is correct, Apple will seek to supplant credit cards with a wireless payment system embedded in its next-gen gizmos, thus revolutionizing the way consumers pay for things – and merchants track their customers. It is widely reported in the press that American Express, MasterCard and Visa have agreed to join the Apple initiative. 

If mobile payments take off as Apple and its putative partners hope, this frictionless new way of transacting business will disintermediate the media as never before.  Read more from Reflections of a Newsosaur.

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Reader's Corner, Newsosaur, Apple, digital
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