Kid Scoop offers free 'Germ Patrol' page to newspapers


Current news reports about Enterovirus D68, as well as the onset of the cold and flu season have sparked Kid Scoop to create a page dedicated to helping kids take simple steps to reduce their risk of infection.

The Kid Scoop "Germ Patrol" page is being offered to newspapers across the country and around the globe as a public service, FREE OF CHARGE.

The page focuses on the importance of regular hand washing, explains how germs and bacteria are spread and how infections attack healthy cells in the body. This information is presented with engaging, standards-based educational activities.

The Kid Scoop "Germ Patrol" page is available in color or black & white as a full-page broadsheet, half-page broadsheet and full-size tabloid page. It is also available as a series of 8 1/2 x 11" easily-reproducible printable pages for classroom, website or in-paper use. 

The page can also be branded with your publication's logo and ...

  • Printed as a poster and given to schools and medical offices in your community.
  • Published as an in-paper or online feature.
  • Published as an "ad wrap" for your weekly coupon inserts.
  • Published in your Sunday comics section.
  • Provide schools with reproducible pages for classroom use.
  • Provide local PTO and PTA organizations with the copies of the e-producible pages for their newsletters.
  • Provide local daycare, Boys and Girls Clubs and other youth organizations with copies.

Download this FREE page

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